Waste Holy Time with God

Saturday, April 1

I have been blessed to attend a spiritual retreat in the Adirondak Mountains in upstate New York at what has become a “thin place” for me: The Pyramid Life Center. The pre-Christian Celts (and, later, adopted/adapted by Christian Celtic practitioners) believed we are no farther than three feet from heaven/The Divine at any given moment though our busyness and worldly woes cloud our vision. There are places, however, where the Light shines through; these are called Thin Places. Think back: are there specific locations (often in nature) where you feel God’s presence more keenly? Perhaps standing by the ocean or in the forest? Or perhaps in the sanctuary of your childhood place of worship?

On the agenda of my New York retreat is a literal non-agenda item: Waste Holy Time with God. For folks with overflowing schedules this can be intimidating. We’re called to be “un-wasteful,” aren’t we? Isn’t this a bit too self-indulgent? Shouldn’t I feel guilty about wasting time when there’s so much to be done?


Jesus said “Knock, and the door shall be opened. Seek, and you will find.” Seek God. Find your thin place and go agenda-less before your Savior with an open, expectant heart. You will be glad that you did.