Get Involved in Work Camp

Wednesday, March 15

2023 marks the 40th anniversary of the Baltimore County Christian Workcamp (BCCW) an ecumenical ministry that serves our disadvantaged neighbors by providing home repairs and assistance. Teams from county churches work with individuals and families who need help but can’t afford it: the elderly, those with disabling conditions, and those who simply have trouble making ends meet. Epworth has a long history of working with the BCCW, specializing in ramp building in addition to providing breakfast one morning for all the teams, and hosting the closing worship and banquet.

So how can you get involved?

• Join or head a team (July 16-21, 2023); come for the whole week, or even part of a day. Since COVID, the size and number of teams has decreased. For more information, see Beth Waltrup, call the church office 410-667-6054, or register through the BCCW website,

• Join the Epworth kitchen crew for breakfast prep or by setting up, serving, and/or cleaning up after the 40th anniversary banquet on Friday, July 21.

• Make a financial contribution to the BCCW or Epworth to help with the meal expense.

• Pray—no mission project can succeed without being undergirded by prayer; commit to praying daily for the BCCW beginning today. Ask God to show you what you can do!